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Saturday 22 November 2014

Feel-Good Friday.... On a Saturday?

Aloha my darlings!
So this is my first ever feel-good Friday post, but unfortunately I was busy on Friday night so I've had to write it today! 
So, why Feel-Good Fridays? Basically, I believe in doing as many Random Acts Of Kindness (RAOK) as possible and I hope that by writing them down I can perhaps inspire other to do RAOK as well! I'm not trying to be boastful and show off about how 'kind' I am, because I'm sure that if you asked my friends the last thing they'd say is that I'm 'kind' (I have got literally the WORST temper ever!). I'm just trying to make someone's day better, and hopefully inspire you to do the same! 
I'm also going to be posting quotes that inspire me, make me happy or just make me laugh! So, down to business:

This week my RAOK was very fun to do as well as making others happy. I wrote out some cute, little messages like 'have a good day' or 'you are awesome!' and I slipped them into peoples bags, letterboxes and left them on shop shelves ect. They were fun to make, and I felt like a total spy sneaking around with them!

The quote I found this week:
 Its so simple, yet so true! I think people really do need to love themselves more, because yourself is the only person you stay with for life. Please don't pretend to be someone your'e not, because there's always someone who loves you for you! 

Lots of Love,
JJ xox

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