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Saturday 22 November 2014

Feel-Good Friday.... On a Saturday?

Aloha my darlings!
So this is my first ever feel-good Friday post, but unfortunately I was busy on Friday night so I've had to write it today! 
So, why Feel-Good Fridays? Basically, I believe in doing as many Random Acts Of Kindness (RAOK) as possible and I hope that by writing them down I can perhaps inspire other to do RAOK as well! I'm not trying to be boastful and show off about how 'kind' I am, because I'm sure that if you asked my friends the last thing they'd say is that I'm 'kind' (I have got literally the WORST temper ever!). I'm just trying to make someone's day better, and hopefully inspire you to do the same! 
I'm also going to be posting quotes that inspire me, make me happy or just make me laugh! So, down to business:

This week my RAOK was very fun to do as well as making others happy. I wrote out some cute, little messages like 'have a good day' or 'you are awesome!' and I slipped them into peoples bags, letterboxes and left them on shop shelves ect. They were fun to make, and I felt like a total spy sneaking around with them!

The quote I found this week:
 Its so simple, yet so true! I think people really do need to love themselves more, because yourself is the only person you stay with for life. Please don't pretend to be someone your'e not, because there's always someone who loves you for you! 

Lots of Love,
JJ xox

Best Friend Tag

Today I am here with my 'cray-cray' BFF blogging buddy - LuluB xox! My fellow make up obsesser and I will be doing the 'best friend tag' today and we hope you all enjoy!!!!!

How and when did you meet?

JJ - Well...
Lulu - We kind of met in the middle of a school corridor, we were in year 7 and my skirt was really long....
JJ - It still is!
Lulu - I didn't know how to style my hair either! Anyway JJ was having a drama queen meltdown because she couldn't find her library card... and we don't even go to the library. #year7banter!
JJ - It was like my first week, I still thought you got a detention if you breathed.
Lulu - You were asking everyone if they had a library card and no one did... including me! No one else seemed bothered by the fact they didn't have one either.
JJ - (pause) yeah, well. Its not like you don't have stressy moments about EVERY SINGLE homework!
Lulu - We didn't really properly become friends until we were in a Science class together, we were meant to be doing a science practical, but instead we gave this poor innocent boy a quiz about make up because we couldn't light a bunsen burner?

Jessie why are you dancing to old Disney songs?
JJ- I want to be a Disney princess....
Lulu - this post is going to be really long!
JJ- Only because this keyboard is stupid and hates us!
Lulu - Only because you type like a granny.

Whats your favourite memory together?

JJ - I think we have too many!
Lulu - What about that time when... oh there really is too many!
JJ - Lets just skip to the next one...

Describe each other in one word:

Lulu - Funny! 
JJ - Lovely!
Together - Ahhhhhhhh, thank you!!!!

Whats your dream job?

JJ - Oh, we're not gonna have a job. The plan is that we're gonna move into a cath kidston cottage together, adopt 14 cats and spend the rest of our lives knitting and going on trips to Disneyland.
Lulu - Yeah that's the plan! We're just perfect examples of modern, independent woman really...

Whats your favourite make up brand?

Lulu - This is the best question! High end or drug store?
JJ - Either, I think. I like MAC for high end and Rimmel for drug store.
Lulu - Oh, I'm going MAC and Maybelline.

What annoys you about the other person?

Lulu - Nothing.
JJ - I have a very long list...
Lulu - Well I wouldn't change you for the world!
JJ - You're gullible, loud, annoying, untrustworthy...
Lulu - I'm never untrustworthy!
JJ - Yeah... Right.... Totally trustworthy... Only kidding, I trust you 100%!

If you could go anywhere in the world together where would it be?

Together - DISNEYLAND!

Do you guys have anything matching?

Lulu- Virtually everything we own is matching.
JJ- Its annoying how much we have in common!

Who takes longer to get ready in the morning?

We spent about 5 minutes on who takes longer to get ready in the morning. So we never really came to a conclusion.......

Whats the weirdest thing you've ever said to each other?

Lulu - JJ has said some pretty weird stuff to me before... like when she really randomly started walking me up and down the same corridor and singing nursery rhymes at the top of her voice for, like, 10 minutes. She only stopped because a teacher came out and asked us what we were doing...
JJ - Please Lulu, you are the weirdest person I've ever met. When I first met you, you told me you thought you were a witch. I was terrified for nearly a month.
Lulu - I think its weirder that you believed me.

Whats the sweetest thing?

JJ - We make each other these little word pages full of our favourite quotes.
Lulu - Its weird... but cute!
JJ - I love you chummy!
Lulu- I love you too!

I hoped you enjoyed reading this post as much as we did writing it! It took us nearly an hour as the keyboard decided it hated us and stopped working.

Love JJ xox
(And LuluB xox!)